A couple more barnacle pots all fired and ready to go to a local exhibition in November. This makes 3 finished of the ridiculous goal that I've set for myself. Expectations are meant to be revised as the deadline nears, right?

What is interesting to me is how this ancient tradition has been Westernized. Here, we make all sorts of little more or less impromptu sculptures that we call kiln gods. We even have a national kiln god competition. But I think there is a little something in many of us that wants an insurance policy. No matter how well you know how things work, no matter how many times we’ve done the same thing over and again, there is always a little error or even a disaster that can creep in when that kiln goes on.
Little Great Mother Kiln Goddess, Marti Geiger-Ho
Me, I think I’m going to head off to build a little temple for my kiln guardian. Well actually, mine's more like a kiln gargoyle. I might even make 8 gaurdians. I can use all the help I can get. I’m certainly going to dust him off to show just a bit more respect. And maybe even reunite him with the ear that’s gotten knocked off. He is after all the rabbit’s foot of my kiln. And speaking of lore….where does that one come from?
It's been just a wee bit over a year since I opened my jewelry components and button Etsy shop. I started with porcelain buttons, I added pendants, charms, and various jewelry components. This has been so much fun! I get to induldge my penchant for working with itty bitty things. I love small.
I am absolutely, thrilled each and every time one of you uses my components in your beautiful works of art. I love that you share these with me.
The give away is for one bronze pendant a little less than 1 inch (25 mm) in diameter, with a patina aged surface. There are no real rules to this. Just leave me a comment, just one, please. If you'd like to spread the word about this on your blog, or by any other means, please do so. But,really all you need to do is to leave a comment. I'll randomly draw a winner on Tuesday the 1 September.
This give away is my thank you to all of you who have been so supportive of my journey over the last year. I'd never have grown so much without you all.
Many, many thanks, LeAnn