Tuesday, January 13, 2009

What is that?

Up at 5 am, unable to sleep.....did I pull it off? You see I've got a guild member show going up this weekend at the Louise Hopkins Underwood Center for the Arts and I yet again I am pushing the limit for getting my piece done. How long have I known about this? Ummm, a year. Did I have sketches, ideas, things I've been working on? Ummm, yeah. Did I do anything in a safe, predictable, even timely way? Ummm, no. Do you ever do this to yourself?

This little pile of tiles is totally new work in everyway. Only the images and textures are the same as used in my other work. They are made in clay I've never used before, they were constructed in way I've never done before, they are glazed in a method I've never used before. Oh my this was a recipe for disaster. BUT, yipee, they came out all right. Not perfect, but OK. Relief, but now I have to figure out how to arrange them. Being modular, with 12 tiles in 2 sizes there are lots of possibilities. So I'm just gonna push that one to the limit again. And decide at the last minute, like tomorrow nite, when I deliver them. Living on the edge, once again.

And what about those buttons? Soon, I promise.

1 comment:

Mellisa said...

Those are just beautiful!