Thursday, April 23, 2009

Mystery Solved & More Old Familiar Things

The mystery is only partially solved about the Japanese stamp I was using yesterday. One thoughtful blog reader suggested that the stamp was actually Chinese because of the Kanji characters. She even gave me a link to start with. So a not so quick internet research expedition reveals that modern Japanese written language uses kangi characters, as well as hiragana, katakana, and Arabic numerals. Originally, the Japanese language did not have a writing system and the Japanese word kanji means Han characters, as in Han dynasty (I think). It is all a bit complicated but quite fascinating and if you’d like to know more your can have a read here. Oh and the back of my stamp has this aged paper on it with what looks like kangi, hiragana, and katakana characters. So I'm feeling pretty confident that it is indeed Japanese.

I still do not know what the characters mean. But Japanese is taught at the local university. So when I have time I’m going to try to find someone who can have a look. But if it says something mundane like “stinky feet,” I’m not sure if I will tell you. I still really like the pattern of the stamp, so, stinky feet would be OK with me.

Rummaging again, I found a little tiny leaf stamp that I made ages ago. I use it sometimes on the handles of pots. Since I haven’t made pots with handles for a long time, it is yet another little bit that has passed from my thought. I like tessellated patterns. I made a little repeating pattern in a slab of clay. Then cut out a few test pendants and charms.

You may well be wondering if I’ve gone off the deep end with all this rumination and return to old familiar things. I’ve got the annual Arts Festival to set up for in just one week. I do this show as a group with my local clay guild. So I am frantically working to get some things ready for this. I’ve made pendants, charms, and pots today. It is 9 pm and I’m just eating dinner now. And I was thinking I needed something a little showy I made a smaller version of the original barnacle pot. Will it all get done? Hope so!

Please, pardon my rambling, and my typos. We are feeling just the tiniest bit rushed here at Summers Studio.

Cheers, LeAnn


Katie said...

That's cool that you are moving forward on the "mystery of the stamp." The barnacle pot looks VERY cool - will you post a shot of the finished product?

SummersStudio said...

Katie, thanks, will post a finished pot. The first one is still waiting to be finished. This one is a bit of a test.

sharon said...

Love, love, love those little leaves!!! And the pot, ahhhhh, to die for! I know your things will be a hit at the festival!

Lucid Moon Studio said...

I love the leaf patterned pendants and charms!

I went online last night to try to research your Japanese stamp, but did not come up with much...the symbols seem to match katakana characters. Japanese is read top to bottom and right to left, so I came up with ha ka ho, but I have no idea what that means! And I'm not sure about the character on the left because I couldn't find a character that had the 2 slashes on the top ('ho' matches it without the top slashes). Anyways, now I am intrigued (and I wish I knew a Japanese person), so you will have to share what it means when you find out!

Hope you get everything ready in time for the show!


Rosanne said...

I love that barnacle pot.
Please make more barnacle pendants too....
Its that time of year to work hard for shows. I think no matter how soon you get started preparing you still end up doing everything at the last minute. Must just be our nature.

stregata said...

Hi LeAnn!
Love what you are doing at the moment. Hope you have a great show!

SueBeads said...

LeAnn - my partner's niece came up wit the Japanese kanji for you - here's what she said:

"This is a single kanji that means "flour" or "powder." It's pronounced "foon," "kona," or "ko" depending on the kanji it's paired with. Admittedly, an odd kanji to make a stamp into, but I will say for the stamp that it is beautifully balanced and the stroke shapes are gorgeous."

Hope this helps you!

SummersStudio said...

Thanks Sharon. We'll see on the leaves and the pot. They still have to get glazed and sometimes things just fall apart there.

Lisa, thanks for having a look. It is all quite fascinating and a great way to procrastinate isn't it.

Hi Renate and thanks for the well wishes.

FabFiber, I've got a little pile of barnacle pendants at the back of that photo and another on, of course, my dining room table.

Sue, thanks so much! Flour or powder on a stamp, does make a sense I think. I think they told me when I bought the stamp that they were for typesetting. At least it's not stinky feet.

LLYYNN - Lynn Davis said...

Lovely work, LeAnn! Guess what, I've tagged you - just when you have time if you want to play, too.

Lucid Moon Studio said...

I LOVE to procrastinate...especially when it comes to homework :) Wow, Japanese is SO much more complicated than I could have imagined! I actually wanted to learn it, but now I'm not so sure...!

Prairie Emporium said...

LeAnn, I really like the little leaf stamp, and the pendants you made with it. It is fun to dig out things from the past and use again in a whole different way. Good luck at the Art Festival.

SummersStudio said...

Tee Hee, Lisa, I am procrastinating right now.

Lynn, I'm just about ready fill my bisque kiln so I will procrastinate on glaze making to do the MEME. I really am quite flattered and it's a pretty fun thing to boot.

Debbie, thanks you. I agree rumaging around into past things is a good thing. Sometimes, distance from something you've done makes for a whole new inspiration!