One of the last things I made for the shows last weekend were these tiny little porcelain birds. I've been playing with the idea off and on since spring. But being the skillful procrastinator that I am, I put them off until just a couple of days before they absolutely had to be ready. I'm not entirely sure what happens to me sometimes. 'Cute' is not really something most people associate with my work. But, you know, these are getting pretty close. Just so you know, I've opted to label them as sweet. I'm actually feeling a little obsession coming on with these. Rolling small lumps of clay, pinching and poking them into tiny birds is quite therapeutic.
I'm still trying to get back into the routine of things but I am still tired. I think that might have to do with the enormous pile of plastic tubs, table drapes, props, and general chaos that is happening in my dining room right now. Making little birds is just so much more enjoyable. Reading a book, napping, anything but taking care of that mess. It's just too much like cleaning.
OK, I am going to be brave now. I am off to unpack one container. If I do one thing at a time it will be done in time for the New Year.
I know how that feels. I do find that when it is done thugh, I feel a surge of creativity come on and the exaustion goes away. Keep your chin up, you can do it. Imagine what your sweet little birds will look like when you are done...
I love your sweet little birdie :o) All of your new holiday additions for the shop are great! I am glad that you are feeling a little rested - just don't push yourself too much! You are coming off of a combo of being sick and trying to get ready for the shows...
Glad to see you back :o)
Those sweet little cute birds are adorable! I know what you mean about forward progression. Sometimes I tell myself that if I just keep moving it will all get done ... that way I don't have to worry about the specifics!
That is one sweet tweeter! (I will of course be putting this on my wish list for when my bead diet is done, so I hope you will make more!)
Good thing to tackle whatever elephant is in the room one bite at a time. I am about to do that myself but with packing boxes rather than unpacking. Enjoy the day! Erin
Oh, I love your little birdies!
Your littel bird is adorable! I'm working on sime little tweets myself and yes, it is good therapy!
Thanks all! I've actually managed to unpack and more importantly put away 3 tubs of stuff. Monumental! And I've resisted the urge to bring clay into the house to make birdies. There is always tomorrow.
The little birds are so "cute"...just keep pecking away at the pile and before you know it, it will be gone!
these are sweet! so very perfect - antique your brass and you'll be rustic! love them -
Oh My Gosh LeAnn,
You are my all time hero!!! Three tubs today!!!! I'm still working on getting new sheets washed and put away. Course we won't even get into finding homes for all the new beads and treasures brought home:) I do know for a fact that rest, pinching clay, making art and reading a good mystery are all excellent theropy!!!!
Pattie ;)
Mazatlan Mx.
This is the most adorable bird ever!
I say skip the tubs and make more birds!
Oh, no matter if you call them sweet or cute, they are definitely a great Christmas ornament. One container at a time is better than no containers, right?
LeAnn, I just love these sweet birds! You are always up to something great.
Definitely sweet!!! And you managed three tubs - hooray!! Today, you are my hero! This time of year can be really exhausting. Make sure you do something fun in between what needs to be done - as a little reward! And be good to yourself! Oooooh, I just love that little bird!
so sweeeeeeeeeet!!!! we all want this bird!!!
I'm a huge fan of those little round birds (Chickadees, Dark Eyed Juncos, Tufted Titmice...). Just can't get enough of them... These new pieces of yours are little gems!
Leeann I just love your little birdie! Yes, it is cute, really cute!
I know the feeling, I have stuff everywhere!...My studio is a mess, I am getting ready for a show tomorrow and then next week, stuff everywhere!!!
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