So little time......
If your household is at all like mine, right now you are probably staring at a large container of cranberry sauce left over from the Thanksgiving feast. We love cranberry sauce. Thanksgiving wouldn’t be the same without it. But a little goes a long ways and there is always way too much. So it usually sits there quietly in the fridge until it just really has to go.
This year I said things would be different. I figured if those folks over at Ocean Spray can make cranapple juice, I can make cranapple crisp. What I like about making a fruit crisp is that it does not tax my non-existent pastry skills the way a pie does. It doesn’t require a lot of exact measuring, a bonus for the pastry challenged. And even if the crisp isn’t perfect, it can always be fixed up with a generous dose of vanilla ice cream.
So here’s what I did:
3 huge Granny Smith apples, peeled, sliced and coated with 1 Tbsp flour, mixed with about 1 ¾ cups of homemade cranberry sauce, spread in an 8x8 greased baking pan
Topped with ½ cup old fashioned oatmeal, ½ cup flour, ¾ cup brown sugar, ½ stick softened butter, ½ tsp cinnamon, all mixed together until it was crumbly.
Baked at 375F for about 30 minutes until bubbly on the bottom and golden on the top.

Ocean Spray, move over.....Hot out of the oven, with a generous dose of vanilla ice cream, this was seriously delish! Quite frankly we were suffering from desert withdrawal so it was necessary for our mental well being. And all those antioxdents had to be good for us. In fact this was so good I am thinking of making cranberry sauce specifically so we can have this crisp whenever we want. A big step indeed for the woman who does not make desert, not ever. (that’s what the bakery section of the grocery store is for).
Hope you've all had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday. And if it wasn't Thanksgiving for you, then I hope it was a great weekend.