I like solitude. It's not that I'm antisocial. I just happen to be one of those people who has always enjoyed sitting quietly with my thoughts and working with my hands. It occurred to me that over the last couple of weeks I've become down right reclusive. Not many words on this blog lately. Not really very many words in general.
I think it is the time of year. For me I spend a lot more time in contemplation. I think about my children when they were young and the magic moment of opening up their stockings on Christmas morning. The absolute joy they had unwrapping small things like chocolates and match box cars. I think about Christmas this year with our grand daughter. I've been put in charge of the stockings. It's an awesome responsibility but it makes me smile because Santa must have done a pretty good job in the past to be given such a special job this year.
I think about our sons and daughters coming home from Iraq this month and feel joy that they will come home to their families. I am reminded of the 2 Christmases my son spent in Mosul. I think of the Christmas he spent in Afghanistan last year away from his new family. And that he will be in Afghanistan again next year at Christmas. It makes me mindful of the blessing we have of sharing Christmas with him this year.
I think about the order I just made and shipped off yesterday. It's one with a story that moves me to tears. I am grateful to have been a small part of something so special. I sit with that story and let it become part of me. I can't tell the story right now. It is too new. I need to absorb it.
And I knit. Four scarves, two hats, a pair of mittens, and one special tiny project that makes me smile deep inside my heart. Knitting gets me through the many thoughts and emotions that comes with the holidays. It is a little like meditation or using prayer beads. Each stitch quietly filled love for someone special.
I hope you all are feeling the joy of the holiday season and savoring the magic moments that the season brings.